Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Attributes of God

So I start reading the book The Attributes of God by A.W Tozer so the first thing I do is list the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the attributes of God. They were grace, mercy, omnipresence, and holy. Then I open the book and in traditional fashion Tozer blows me away first chapter Infinitude, and if that is not enough chapter 2 Immensity.

Have you every thought long and hard about the infinity of God. We all try to but boundaries on God because we are unable to grasp his awesomeness. However try this Tozer uses an illustration of C. S. Lewis he says if you could think of a sheet of paper infinitely extended in all directions, and if you took a pencil and made a line one inch long on it, that would be time. When you started to push the pencil it was the beginning of time and when you lifted it off the end of time. And all around, infinitely extended in all directions, is God. How small does that make us but more important is how big God is. God isn't out there in space He is holding space in his hand making it work.

What a picture, it gives me a new understanding of Gods awesomeness and what a gift it is to be called a child of God.

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