Friday, June 25, 2010


No I didn't forget about you. Fathers have a big responsibility to the family they are the General in times of war, they are the Senator that makes the laws that guide the family, they are the CEO of the family, and they are the Pastor of the family. I can not express how important it is that his Commander in Chief be Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ leading you wars will be lost, families will be in disarray and collapse with no direction. So Fathers step up to the plate and take on your calling but do not be discouraged God does not call the equipped He equips those He calls. Depend on Him as your Commander in Chief his has been there done that and is perfect. If you every question His ability to lead just look at what He has made the morning sun in just the right place so we don't burn up, a babies first breath in life, the fact this earth is even still rotating regardless of what we do or don't do, I think the evidence is overwhelming that He is able and willing to lead you though anything you bring to him. We love and appreciate you even if we don't always tell you.

Lemons or Lemonade you choose

Life is funny it can provide you with tons of lemons and as hard as you try you can not make lemonade that is just right. However God can take those same lemons and make the perfect lemonade. Ok your reading this and are questioning my sanity here is what I was thinking about life has been hard many disappointment many challenges and nothing I do in my own strength will make it better it maybe even makes it worse. I'm so thankful that God has open my eyes and given me the gift to be his child and I don't have to do this life alone. I have a heavenly Father that I can take my disappointment, trials, and challenges to daily and he will use them for his glory. Do I come through it unhurt not always but I do come through it more refined more like Christ. I have not had one thing in my life that I have come through that I haven't been able to look back and say where was God.

If you are reading this and have not experience this amazing comfort or if you have a friend that is not experiencing this comfort that God provides contact me I would like to share what an awesome God I have.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Attributes of God

So I start reading the book The Attributes of God by A.W Tozer so the first thing I do is list the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the attributes of God. They were grace, mercy, omnipresence, and holy. Then I open the book and in traditional fashion Tozer blows me away first chapter Infinitude, and if that is not enough chapter 2 Immensity.

Have you every thought long and hard about the infinity of God. We all try to but boundaries on God because we are unable to grasp his awesomeness. However try this Tozer uses an illustration of C. S. Lewis he says if you could think of a sheet of paper infinitely extended in all directions, and if you took a pencil and made a line one inch long on it, that would be time. When you started to push the pencil it was the beginning of time and when you lifted it off the end of time. And all around, infinitely extended in all directions, is God. How small does that make us but more important is how big God is. God isn't out there in space He is holding space in his hand making it work.

What a picture, it gives me a new understanding of Gods awesomeness and what a gift it is to be called a child of God.

taken it easy

I thought I would take it easy this summer take some vacation, work 40hrs a week, family time, read a little, and just chill. that was the thought on May 15th On June 2 I find myself reading The Attributes of God by A.W. Tozer, getting ready for a bible study Stepping Up by Beth Moore, also reading So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore, tearing out a driveway and garage floor only to repour it, finishing a bathroom remodel, leveling and reseeding my front lawn, planting more bushes and flowers, and working 40 hours. So much for chillin