Saturday, April 3, 2010

There is hope

HE is RISEN JESUS CHRIST is ALIVE. He Died a horrific death the cost of all my sins a price that I could not pay, and rose again conquering death so I would be free. Jesus Christ made a way for me to have eternal life with him in heaven. This is a time to celebrate.

Although there are many religions who worship many things Christianity is the only one I know of where you can have the assurance of life eternally. God is not just a figure. He is alive and rules over all and is standing with open arms to all that will except Him. He wants to have a personal relationship with you. You are able to talk directly with him you do not need someone to do it for you. He does not have office hours He is available 24/7. He knows when you are hurting and He wants to comfort you, when you are confused He will provide wisdom, when you are anxious He will give you peace. He cares and loves you no matter what you have done or where you come from. He is never to busy. God knows who you are He wants you to know who He is.

Take time to evaluate you life does your walk match your talk or is it just a check mark on your list of things to do.

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