Sunday, May 9, 2010


What a blessing, privilege, and a great calling it is to be a Mom. Not only do you get to birth this child you get to mold their character. Even though this is a very scary task you have been called by a higher power for this job. You have the privilege to experience first hand how God molds each of us into the person he wants us to be however there is one big difference God is perfect we are not. You will make mistakes you may have regrets however find comfort in the fact that God completes the task. He makes no mistakes and has no regrets. As you embark on this calling know that you are not alone and God in His infinite wisdom has given you instructions you can find these in a book He wrote called the Bible. Read it talk to Him ask for wisdom, strength, and endurance it will take all these. But most importantly don't stress out enjoy really all you have to do is guide them and show them Christ's love. Have a great day and know that you are loved

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